Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday
In Hawaii,AloHa Friday is the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Oh, and don't forget to click on the link anywhere that's highlighted and play along Kailani and the rest of us!
You will make some new blog friends too!!
My question for today is:
Do you Have a Loved one or know of someone close to you that is Incarcerated?
If so, how do you cope with it?
I will be e-mailing the winners of my contest over the weekend! Thanks to all of you that Helped!! My friend,Lani, made her goal and now is all ready to Run!
No, I don't know of anyone. I can only imagine how difficult that would be.
Hope you have a great weekend!
No, but my step-brother had to go to jail for a year or two when we were younger. It was very weird.
Nope. Thank goodness!
Have a great day!
Thank goodness I don't...but I do know of those in the service over seas. That is almost the same thing, right? Just joking, but it is hard to know they are over there and not here with us. Skype is a wonderful thing! ;0)
I can't say that I do. Honestly I don't know how I would deal with it. I guess it would depend on the circumstances.
I don't know anyone. That would be a challenging situation.
My brother was for a short time. It was hard. He has bi polar disorder and it has been a struggle his whole life, and for our family.
God is good!
Hugs to you friend!
No, not that I know of anyway. I had an uncle who served some time for causing a bad accident, but that was way back in the late 1950's.
No, I don't.
Happy Holidays!
I don't think I've ever known anyone who's been in jail/prison. Must be super tough.
Not currently, but most of my husbands family have been in the past.
No I have not. What a tough situation.
I don't. I can imagine that it would be hard.
Nope I don't thank goodness :)
Hi Olga, no I don't know anyone personally, but a handfull of friends have friends or family members who are. I hear them talk about it and it's tough. Thinking of you and big hugs.
What a tough question! Not because it's hard to say yes or no but not one we often think about but I don't know anyone currently. My sister's boyfriend got sent away for some time and she waited on him to get out. Up until the past several years (10 or so), he has lived a life in and out of jail/prison. They just celebrated 16 years of marriage on Dec. 11. She has put up with more than any one person should but it is her choice to live that life. The best thing that has come out of that marriage is my two handsome nephews. Though my BIL has lived a life of trouble, he has done better (aside from holding a steady job) and now goes to church every Sunday. I'm hoping it is sinking in and he is having a heart transformation. It is very tough on everybody involved!!!
No, not really. I don't think I could handle it.
My nephew is in prison this year and while it is very sad I pray that when he is out things are different
I have to say you've got my interest piqued with this question. I don't know anyone personally, no.
BTW- I do hope you get to be a nurse and learn to play the sax and piano again! Happy Aloha Friday!
not that I know of...
i dont know of anyone personally. my cousin has been in and out of jail a couple of times. i just continue to love him and pray for him to make better choices. hes one of the only cousins that i have to look up to.
No, not so far. I do now a young woman who was able to adopt a baby because the mother was in jail until the baby was born. She was then sent to prison. She chose my friend in an independent adpotion beacuse my friend will bring the child to see her. She will also accept her calls and mail her pictures, etc.
Otherwise, the baby would have gone to social services and into the system.
No I don't.
That must be hard to deal with at times, especially the missing out. Especially for children and their parents ...
No, I don't! :) Happy Holidays!
I don't and have never really thought about how I would deal with it. Now that I'm thinking it's really hard to know.
Someone very close to me was once serving a short period of time----which was very devastating and out of character based on who that person really was on the inside.
We supported that person with as much love, kindness and understanding as we would have hoped for ourself had we ever been in such a terrible situation.
Awkward, sad and thankful that it was quickly served. Stopping by from SITS!
Nope, I don't!
A guy I went to high school ended up in prison. It's so weird to think that someone I knew so well a long time ago would make such terrible choices with devastating results.
Thanks for visiting me on my SITS day the other week!
Yes I do, or did. It is VERY hard to deal with. Not sure how I dealt with it, but just prayed .. continously! Thanks for visiting me. Hope to hear from you soon!! ;) Happy Holidays.
My brother was incarcerated for awhile. It was extremely difficult. I can't say that it was a shock because he was leading a life that would lead to either death or incarceration. I guess I was grateful that he wasn't dead. Since being released he has managed to make a better life for himself.
He is my brother and I suffered knowing he was in jail, I can not imagine the pain of having a child in jail. I'm sorry.
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