Hi To All My Friends!!
I have decided to have my Biggest Giveaway Ever!!
I want to help my friend, Lani finish raising the money she needs for her
fundraising and to see her run in the Disney Half Marathon, in January! She has raised almost 2,400.00 for
Team in Training and just needs 94.00 more dollars to reach her Goal!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
She is a busy Mom of 2 year old triplets!!! Need I say anymore??! She is constantly the move.She also works full time, but still find the time to train for a Marathon!
My hat is off to her and I know you will agree and decide to show her much support so she can, and cross that finish Line!Way to go
Let's show my friend some serious Blog Love!
On a very serious note~
Did you know that every ten minutes, another person dies from blood cancer?
“The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society invests $61 million annually in support of more than 200 researchers, provides financial assistance to patients, sponsors scientific conferences around the country, produces educational materials and videos, and runs over 50 support groups nationwide.”
On top of that I am celebrating my being back into Running for 15 months! I am also celebrating over 200 Followers in less than 4 months I'd love to get to 300 by the end of this year!Ohw Yeah!!Also, That my baby girl twin is WalKinG!!!!!
Let’s do our part today to help these individuals and families that affected by blood cancers.
With the help of sponsors Stephie Mc, Modern Blitz Designs, and LMN Art Studio, I am giving away some fabulous prizes! I will do random drawings to choose the winner of each prize.This is going to be so much fun for me!I am so excited already!!!
I can't do this without All of your Help!
So the
First Giveaway is going to be a "Run-Like-a-Girl" Necklace
From StephieMc Designs:
Run Like A Girl Necklace:

XO Necklace

Hi To All My Friends!!
Donate $2.00 Lani's Team in Training page for one Entry(This is mandatory)
For extra entries:
Become a follower of my blog, Twinspirational Runner – (one extra entry for each prize)
Snag my Button for another entry~
Stephie Mc’s Etsy Shop – (one extra entry for the Run Like A Girl Necklace, and XO Necklace only)
Become a follower of
LMN Studios blog (one extra entry for painting)
The winners will be chosen at random, and announced here on December 17th!