Sunday, November 15, 2009

Multiples and More Question of the Week!

Name 5 small successes in your life from the past week. (and yes, laundry counts!)
This should be good!!

1)Fed, clothed,and diapered my twinkies every day this week and didn't lose my sanity!!I was sick ALL week!kind of joking but NoT Really

2)I went running three times this week(twice with my twins)despite really wanting to crawl under a Rock and stay there!

3)Steam cleaned the carpet in our living room and rearranged all the furniture!The twinkies love it!!

4)Planned a Fun Friday night field trip to the Mall and Saturday for hubby,twins and I!!!

5)Smiled while singing in The Praise and Worship Team!(It's really not that easy to do!!)LOL
**Was reminded that the definiton of Joy= is not the absence of problems but the Presence of the Lord in your Life!(thank you Pastor A.)**


Corrie Howe said...

Then I would say that you had a successful week!

Matty said...

Doing all that with the twins is quite the accomplishment. I would call it all a success. You should feel proud, Olga.

Annie said...

You were very busy.

Hope you feel better.

christy rose said...

I have an award for you. Please stop by and pick it up when you get the chance.

Helene said...

Yeah, you most definitely had an accomplished week!! I love the quote from your Pastor...isn't that SO true??

Levon said...

You most certainly had a successful week!! AHHH i wish i had the willpower to start running again...or the energy, or the ability :O) Love that quote, it is soooo true :O)
Thanks for stopping by!
~Levon :O)

Ronda Laveen said...

Well, I don't have twins, but as a massage therapist, I have a duffle bag of laundry every day, on top of family laundry, that you wouldn't believe.

Tracie said...

You were busy! Where do you get all your energy?

The Four Week Vegan said...

Very successful week! I got hubby to take two walks with me for his health!!!

Just Another Mother said...

That's amazing you have time for ANYTHING with twins. I can barely handle one. :) Sounds like you had a great week, minus the sickness.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a VERY successful week. Congrats :)

Stopping by from SITS and thank you for visiting my blog.

Laura said...

Sounds successful to me!! I don't know if I would have gotten out from under the rock...especially to run! :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Hope you are feeling better. That's some accomplishment.

And, I'm loving that definition of joy!

Brandi said...

I can't believe you go running with your twins! I am sure that is how you get out to do it (ya know finding the time) but I have a hard time running with just one, I can't imagine two! You go girl! :)

Tattoos and Teething Rings said...

Definitely sounds like success to me!

Claudya Martinez said...

Sounds successful to me! You got so much done and you weren't feeling well.

Marie said...

I'm in awe. That's a lot for one week. And I love your pastor's quote.

kanishk said...

Doing all that with the twins is quite the accomplishment. I would call it all a success. You should feel proud

Work From Home India

Anonymous said...

"Joy is not the absence of problems, but the presence of the Lord in your life." Thank you for the reminder! I'm going to make it a point to reflect on that all week.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Loved having you over. Come again...

Kristi, Author of Hello...Is This On?