Monday, November 30, 2009

Music MonDaY!!!!!!!

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It is Music Monday at my friend Tara's blog!Today I chose this song! It really says it All!!Come play along with us!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!If you didn't or were alone just know that God is always with you and I am with you too! I know sometimes it is hard to find things to be thankful for!I have so been there!
I do have an update on my son,Jason but until it is final I will wait!(his official sentencing is Friday!!)
Last week was the worst running week for me in a long time! I couldn't seem to fit my running in except for 2 days!I am going to consider this my week off!!
I am going to go but wanted to add one more thing about God's Love:
(This is borrowed out of a Devotional book that I read everyday)
The Extent of God's Love is so infinite that He is by your side in every situation of life.He waits to support you and help you;console you;to help you overcome stumbling blocks,and to be your Shepard.
Love you All!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

SuNdAYS in My CiTy!!!

I am playing along with Unknown Mami.This is my city .
We had a parade a few weeks ago and here are some pictures!I hope you enjoy

Unknown Mami

Friday, November 27, 2009

ALoHa FRiDaY!!!!!

In Hawaii,Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.Oh and don't forget to click on the link above to go to the original post and play along with Kailani and the rest of us!You will make some new blog friends too!!

My question for today is:
If you met and fell madly in love with a foreigner who was visiting in the U.S.A. and his/her 6 month Visa was going to expire,Would YoU MaRRy Him/Her so they could stay in America with you!?!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Wednesday night 09/25/09

Tonight ,church was wonderful!We had a beautiful praise and time of Worship and then Pastor A. started asking people to stand up and say what they are thankful for!
What came to my mind( after much digging) right away was my good health and that I have five beautiful children who are my Life!Then I realized that (even the little ones that I almost miss)I am also so thankful for all the blessings that continue to happen every day and how God is always right there by my side growing, guiding, loving and protecting me!
Then Pastor A. said to stand if there was a person you were thankful for.I then realized I needed to stand up and talk about my Husband!Yikes! I didn't want to speak in front of all those people but I knew if given the chance that I would have to.

I didn't get a chance to speak but this is what I would have said...(I did tell him when we got home)
I am thankful for my Husband ,Steve.He has been the most PaTienT,ComPaSSioNaTe and CaRiNG Husband that I could have ever asked for!He always supports me in all that I want to do! He is a Stand-up Daddy to our twins, and my other children(his stepchildren)This year has been VERY difficult for me because of many things, but mostly my son Jason and his INcarCeration!He has NeVeR complained and had stood by me through alot of tough,tough decisions and even more emotional outbursts,breakdowns and just down right bawling!

Baby,I love you!!! You are the Best!!!You are my Rock!Forgive me for being so blind!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so glad you love Me!I love you more than words could ever say!

I want to wish all my blog friends a wonderful and very Happy Thanksgiving!!I love you all!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

MuSiC MonDaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alt="Alternative Name"/>

I am playing along with Taras' at Keeping up with the Kellys!This song is so good and touches me everytime I hear it!I know you will enjoy it!Oh and don't forget to pause my music at the top!
Don't forget to play along with us!Music is such a great way to reach people!

For my Running peeps!! I have decided to run in another Half Marathon!!!Woo~Hoo!!!
It is going to be the Disney Princess Half in March of 2010!I am extremely excited 'cause we are forming a team as we speak!!I don't know how may yet as we are just waiting on God!
I have been training for 5K's so I will just have to add a long run in and I should be ready to Rock it!!!
If this sounds like too much for you I would be happy to help you get started. Just let me know where your at and we can go from there!!! Drop me an e-mail!
Also,my daughter Belle just ran a half Marathon yesterday!! She did fantastic!!!I am so proud of her!
I have more pictures of my twinkies but it's getting late tonight! I will try to work on them tomorrow!
Have a blessed day and don't forget to praise God in all Things,good and bad! We need to be ushered into his presence!!Then we can get carried away and focus on him!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

AloHa FriDaY!!! Woo-Hoo!!!!

In Hawaii,Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Oh and don't forget to click on the link above to go to the original post and play along with Kailani and the rest of us make some new blog friends!

My question for today is:

What is the Wackiest(craziest),silly, funniest thing that has happened to you this week???Or recently??

I was cleaning my pool main drain out and before I got the top off I saw a frog swirling around!!When I opened it up he jumped out and hopped away!! It was wack crazy because I know he had been spinning around for at least a few days!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

MuSic MonDay!!!

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Today is Music Monday over at my friend Tara's blog!She is a real sweety and I love playing Music Monday's with her! I decided to pick a song that my grown kids,Belle, Jill and Jason, know by heart!It is a song that I used to play often while teaching them about candlelight,ambiance and romance!(table manners too)
I have started teaching my twinkies this too!No really!!I have started lighting candles(I have high places to put them) and putting on romantic and peaceful music(Michael Buble' last night) so they can start to appreciate the beauty and change that music and candles can do to their mood and soul!
Now they don't sit at the table yet(still highchairs)but I can tell they liked it! Last night after they ate we all danced!!It was awesome and relaxing!You should try this!
Don't forget to pause the music on my blog first and come play along!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Multiples and More Question of the Week!

Name 5 small successes in your life from the past week. (and yes, laundry counts!)
This should be good!!

1)Fed, clothed,and diapered my twinkies every day this week and didn't lose my sanity!!I was sick ALL week!kind of joking but NoT Really

2)I went running three times this week(twice with my twins)despite really wanting to crawl under a Rock and stay there!

3)Steam cleaned the carpet in our living room and rearranged all the furniture!The twinkies love it!!

4)Planned a Fun Friday night field trip to the Mall and Saturday for hubby,twins and I!!!

5)Smiled while singing in The Praise and Worship Team!(It's really not that easy to do!!)LOL
**Was reminded that the definiton of Joy= is not the absence of problems but the Presence of the Lord in your Life!(thank you Pastor A.)**

Friday, November 13, 2009

ALoHa FRiDaY!!!

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday

In Hawaii,"Aloha Friday", is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Oh and don't forget to click on the link above to go to the original post and play along with Kailani and the rest of us make some new blog friends!

My question for today is:

Do you beleive that

#1) there is OnE special person that you are Destined to be with?? or...

#2) that there are Many people that could be Right for You?

I think that's kinda two questions


Do you beleive in #)1 or #)2 ?!?

My daughters Belle and Jill use to ask me this all the TiMe!!

I also wanted to thank everyone for your encouraging and kind words, on my very deep post, the other day!I am feeling a bit better about everything at this writing! I have e-mailed most of you but just in case I missed you or couldn't find an address, ThankYou! You all are just Great!!I am so glad to have met you!

ALoHa FRiDaY!!!!!

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday

In Hawaii,"Aloha Friday", is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Oh and don't forget to click on the link above to go to the original post and play along with Kailani and the rest of us make some new blog friends!

My question for today is:

Do you beleive that

#1) there is OnE special person that you are Destined to be with?? or...

#2) that there are Many people that could be Right for You?

I think that's kinda two questions


Do you beleive in #)1 or #)2!??

My daughters Belle and Jill use to ask me this all the TiMe!!

I also wanted to thank everyone for your encouraging and kind words, on my very deep post, the other day!I am feeling a bit better about everything at this writing! I have e-mailed most of you but just in case I missed you or couldn't find an address, ThankYou! You all are just Great!!I am so glad to have met you!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WoRdful WeDneSday!!

I am playing along with Angie from 7 Clown Circus!Please come and join us!

Here is my baby boy Chucky doing what he loves to do!He does this all day long!
I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Straight from the HeaRT!!~~Running Too~

I figured it was about time I wrote a post from my heart and also some updates about things going on in my life.I have been trying to do this for a couple of weeks but seemed to keep gettin sidetracked.
The truth is I have been having a rough couple of weeks!
First,my husband and twins have been sick for a couple of weeks now so I have had to take care of them, and it has just wore me down.I also haven't been able to spend any time with my daughter Belle and I just miss her to pieces!Lastly,my sonJason, had a court date this past Friday.It seems that our lawyer never has much new tell him or I and I do wonder why it is that we paid her again?!?The good thing is that I got to see him, even though it was for like a few seconds and even though it was across the courtroom it was great to see him!I haven't seen him in 13 months!It was short and sweet and we have another courtdate in about 2 weeks.Hopefully, it will be the last one as she seems to think we should have an offer or deal at that time!There's that DeaL word again.I guess thats just how it is said.
I think this whole situation with my son has taken a huge toll on me and probably years off of my life!It has by far been one of the most painful things I have ever been through and I have been through a few!It shadows all of my thoughts always and I feel like I can never be truly happy!
I think my biggest fear is not knowing what kind of future he will have and what kind of life he will be able to lead.From what his lawyer says he will be charged with a 1st degree felony and that will NeVeR go away.
Because of all of this, I did reknew my relationship with Jesus and have grown closer to God ,more than I have ever been in my life!(something good for sure)I just know if I hadn't done that, I would have had a nervous breakdown for sure.
I know he has a perfect plan for my son and can create something wonderful out of his mistakes!I also know that fear and faith can't work together so I have to choose One and I do choose to have FaiTh.It is just so hard at times, but I have to stand firm!It just hurts so much sometimes I feel like I cannot breathe!That I cannot talk to anyone about it either!It's like a terrible secret that nobody talks about or acknowleges.
Then to top all of that off my husband and I have grown so very,very far apart!! I am not even sure where to start bringing things closer or sometimes if I really want to.I just know that for the love of our twins and marriage(which God ordained) that I have to try and I really want to most times! I know how painful it is to break up a home and go through divorce and I don't want to put the twinkies throught that.Plus,I also retired from my job so I am unemployed,at this time!LOL Sorry, I just crack myself up, sometimes!
Seriously,I know this has gone on longer than usual but I just had to get this out.

I also wanted to write a little about my running since I haven't been doing that either.I have still been running like a crazy woman!! I just love it!!Didn't want you all to think I had fallen Off the waGon!! My goal is still to win a 5k within a year,so probably next fall or so.I have decided it is time to start running in some races and fun runs just for that reason ,to have FuN!!!Plus it has finally cooled down a little here and being outside is getting to be very enjoyable!
I still do about half of my training on the treadmill(at the gym) and the rest outside with my twinkies!!I promise to post some pictures soon!!
Okay,all joking aside,just know that no matter what your going through that you are NeVer Alone!! God is always with You!He will never leave YoU or Forsake You!!Hebrews13:5
I remind myself of this constantly and it helps me tremendously!
Love you All~Thanks for reading and sharing in my Life!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Music Monday!!!!

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Today I am playing Music Monday along with my friend Tara,at Keeping up With the Kellys!We are suppose to pick a song that is in our MP3 that people would be surprised to find! My song is Hold Me by~K.T. Oslin~
This song goes way back for me and was once dedicated to me!This video doesn't do this lady justice!She was one of the most popular female country singers of the late 80's!
Enjoy and don't forget to pause my music at the top!
It's not to late to come and play along with us!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sundays In My City!

Unknown Mami

I am playing along with Unknown Mami.I don't really live in a City with lots of big buildings but there sure are alot of people!!!! So I just had to share what I saw while cruising around in my little place in the world. first picture is a church that has been at the same place for a long time! It's kind of up on a hill but you can't tell.It looks funny where it is because evrything around it is houses!Next picture the Amtrak train station.It's a really old building!The next one a little Spanish restaurant that I've never seen before till today but would love to visit!The last two a view of one of our lakes and a really wonderful hospital with a very unique design! Whats really special is that all of these places are within a few miles of each other!My city is crazy like that!Please come play along with us!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Way Back When- nesday!!!

I am playing Way back Wednesday with Cheryl!Here is a picture of my twins OnE year ago.They have changed soo much!This doesn't go back as far as last weeks but I just had to share!!I hope you will join us at Twinfatuation

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What I Learned this weeK!!!

I am playing along with MusingsofaHouswife.I hope you will come and join us and play "What I Learned this Week!! I just had to get in on this One!
1) I am not nearly Greatful enough for all the good things in my life!

2) I love each and every one of my kids with ALL of my heart and have so much MORE love left to Give!!

3)I really MiSS Traveling, or just knowing that I can!(I used to work for an airline)

4) True friends are so hard to make as you get older!

5) There are some really great people out there that I come across Daily, waiting for a kind word.

6)That you can sMiLe while you sing!

7)That unconditional LoVe is impossible to grasp, until we first know How Much GoD loVeS us!!(he sent his Only SON to die for us) would we ever do this with one of our children?? NeVeR!!!

8)That I Miss the beach!

9)That I can stop my baby son from crying really hard, in the car, by singing"our song"(Jesus,a song I have sung to all of my chidren)Never underestimate the power of a Mothers Love!It brought tears to my eyes!

10)That being "IN" love "IS" all it's cracked up to Be!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

MuSiC MoNdAY!!!!!!

Today is
Music Monday!!! I am playing along with my friend Tara at Keeping up with the Kelly's Don't forget to link up at her post and play along too!

I have decided to pick a song that makes me smile and want to sing along(okay, that's every song)It also has a lot of truth in it and for some reason makes me think of my daughter Jill!
Please take a few minutes to have a listen and let me know what you think!Oh, and don't forget to pause my Music at the top!

and a quote for my Running Peeps!I'm still thinking about this one!?~~

When we run, we are already so exposed, often nearly naked in our shorts and T-shirts, huffing and puffing, purified by the effort. Briefly removed from the defenses and secrets we maintain in so much of our lives, we feel less need to hide our private thoughts, loves, fears, and stresses. We share.

Amby Burfoot, The Runner's Guide to the Meaning of Life

I will be writing an update about my son,Jason.It has been hard to get the words typed out!

Afetr linking to Tara's for MuSiC MoNdAy!!!! please link up to mine and share a great song!(this is my first time using mcLinky)
What is your Favorite song Right Now Today???