I am playing along with MusingsofaHouswife.I hope you will come and join us! I just had to get in on this One!
Okay,here Goes!
1) I learned that I have the sloowest computer on the planet and I seriously wonder how I survived when there was only dial-up!?!
2)I learned that whether I do something or nothing time never stands still.
3)If my husband doesn't get back to work soon, I will seriously lose my mind(or whats left of it!)
4)That no matter how bad things seem someone Always has it worse.
5)When I'm out and about shopping, or in a convienience store and I ask someone "how are you?" and they say "okay"If you ask them again they usually will share more and really Want to.On same subject, complimenting,honestly usually makes their day and causes them to smile!(try it)guaranteed to make you feel better too!!
6) The minute my feet start running whether on the raod or treadmill I feel fantastic instantly, and everything else seems to fall into the proper prospective!(this happened just today)
7)That as good as I think I am being or TrYinG to be that God loves me in spite of myself and turns all of my shortcomings into something far better than I could ever imagine!
I am going to have to stop at seven because my sweet Hubby promised to take the twinkies and I out to Super Wal-Mart and we don't want to let him down now do we???
For my Running Peeps(even if your still on the fence)
*Nonrunners cannot see how they can afford the time to run every day. But runners cannot imagine getting through a single day without it.
Kevin Nelson, The Runner's Book of Daily Inspiration
I had a running day like that too recently. Must be the endorphins eh?
I kept putting off the treadmill today, and finally got on, was only going to do 3, but I felt good, so ended up doing 6! Maybe I Am Legend on the TV had something to do with it!
Great list and a great meme that I've participated in before. It's amazing the things we learn or re-learn just within a weeks time!
I love #2.
You are so right - somebody always has it worse. I need to remember that some days.
great lessons, one and all...I think I just learned something from you!
VERY true quote about runners. It's so easy to start though, one foot in front of the other, and then they're hooked! Have fun at Wal-mart!
Number 1 - UGH!
And on the number 4 - AMEN - it is so easy to sit our own pitty parties and lose site!!!
this is a really good list! I have number 1 too...hahah drives me nuts
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This made me smile...I am loving the playlist too!
Thanks for sharing! Totally love your comments about running! I'm a new runner and am currently training for my first 5K coming up on Thanksgiving Day :)
I just wanted to say hi..and I love reading your blog. :)
Hope your doing good!!!
Numbers 5 and 7 are great reminders for me!!
I love your list! Thanks for stopping by and I am also following you!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by my site! It looks like you have plenty to keep you busy with your family, running, and own blog... so I really appreciate that you made time in your day to comment.
Hope your Wednesday is wonderful!
Hey, Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
And I gotta agree, slow computers; they piss the hell outa you! Hate 'em! :)
Great list. I need to sit down and think about mine for a bit. I'm sure I've leaned a thing or two.
like your site, you have done a great job. thank you for stopping by. marie
I totally agree with #4- I try to keep that in mind when I'm in a crappy mood.
I'll add one for you... if you're in a bad mood, smile at everyone. It will magically change your day!!
Hi there! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I am one of those who doesn't run unless I'm chased (hee hee), but I admire those who do it for fun! :) Your twins are ADORABLE, by the way.
I want to be a runner. I could use some of those endorphins in my life and perspective.
You know, #6 is SO true. If only I could GET to that treadmill on a regular basis, lol. Thanks for playing along this week! :)
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