I am absolutely thrilled to get my first ever blog award from,A Mom After God's Own Heart !I have only been blogging for about one month so thank you from the bottom of my heart!
So, then here are the rules of the "One Lovely Blog Award"
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
Now it is my turn to pass it along so here are my 15 choices:
This was a tough Decision but here are mine.I hope you will stop by and visit all of them!!
1) Jessica@http://denekefamily.blogspot.com/
2) The FarmhouseKids@http://thesiekmantriplets.blogspot.com/
3) Unknown Mami@http://unknownmami.blogspot.com/
4) Heather@http://www.runfastermommy.com/
5) Nicole@http://www.hoitytoitybaby.blogspot.com/
6) Tara@http://www.thekellykorner.blogspot.com/
7) Connie@http://www.youngandrelentless.com/
8) Meg@http://megrunsalot.blogspot.com/
9) Erica@http://d6scotts.blogspot.com/
10) Kelly@http://2sweetpeasandme.blogspot.com/
11) Keli@http://liveyounglaughhard.blogspot.com/
12) Justyna@http://lovelivesinthekitchen.blogspot.com/
13) Speaking from the crib http://www.speakingfromthecrib.com/
14) Mrs.Classic@http://weightwatcherschangedmylife.blogspot.com/
15) Kristen@http://ladybugblessingscrafts.blogspot.com/
Dear! Thank you so much for giving me the award! I'm so happy! Today, whan i have a moment to that i will publish it on my blog and choose my 15 favourites!!!
mamy hugs!
Aren't you a sweetheart!!! I love your blog too! And thanks for the award...I will get it posted soon and list my 15 faves! Have a FAB day! ♥
Oh Olga, congratulations on YOUR award and thank you for also honoring me with it!!!
You're awesomely sweet! =0)
Congrats on this and on being a Multiples and More nominee!! WooHoo!
Congrats, to a well deserving woman!
Have fun in all you do today
Thank you for the award! I have enjoyed reading your blog too. I will post this next week :-)
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it but I am so bad about reposting them.
thanks for the award and for having over 100 followers in your first month! that's awesome
ok i am back again - did you read the comment i made at unknown mami? or did i leave you a snarky comment about my significant - or insignificant - other? i am intrigued - email me it's on my profile page
Congrats on your achievement! Your twins are so adorable they caught my eyes right away. ;)
Congratulations and thank you!
Congratulations on your award and thank you so much for thinking of me and awarding it to me!
Congrats to YOU! And thank you so so much!!! How exciting!!!! I will post everything as soon as I tuck these kiddos in. Thanks again :)
You deserve this award and thanks for playing it forward, you are so kind and sweet! Nice music, by the way!
Congrats on your award!
Congrats to you and thanks so much for the award. I hope you don't think I am rude for taking so long to get over here. I am working on my blog and will post this. Thanks again.
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