Friday, December 4, 2009


Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday

In Hawaii,Aloha Friday the day that they take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Oh and don't forget to click on the link above to go to the play along with Kailani and the rest of us!You will make some new blog friends too!!

My question for today is:
Do you prefer the sound of Ocean Waves at the beach or a thunderstorm!?!

It is pouring here today and I have come to realize just now that I love them both equally!!!


Unknown said...

I like them both too (for the thunderstorm, only if I'm indoors!). Have a great weekend Olga!

Annie said...

I like the ocean waves.

Have a nice weekend.

Brandi said...

hmmm...not sure, since I haven't been to the ocean very often.

Relentless Forward Commotion said...

waves at the beach! I don't like thunderstorms :(

Corrie Howe said...

I'm with you.I love them both!

SurferWife said...

Considering I have dubbed myself a Surferwife, I better answer the waves. And truth be told, the sound of waves beats out most other sounds for me. :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!!

Anonymous said...

i love ocean waves but i'd have to say i'd take a good thunderstorm anyday. (as long as the rain stopped within an hour or so...) how about both...? a thunderstorm at the beach?

Anonymous said...

I love them both really but I'll take the Ocean waves since I can hear that any time :) Have a great Friday :)

christy rose said...

I definitely prefer the sound of the ocean waves. But i love a slow rolling thunderstorm too! :)

Mrs. M said...

Definitely the ocean!

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Sounds of the Ocean waves at the beach for sure!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being at the Ocean - under an umbrella all day reading a book with hunny - nothing better! We only live an hour from the beach here in Virginia - don't think I could ever live too much farther away. WE also lived in California for 6 years and in Maine on the coast ~ Different types of oceans and coastlines - but they are all fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

ocean waves :)

~ Noelle said...

Either one is relaxing!

1 Special Family said...

I live in the midwest, thunderstorms can sound scary. Ocean waves is the easy winner...

Unknown said...

Being from OK-- I was brought up the be wary of thunder storms...ya know Tornado Alley and all..and I have never heard Ocean waves unless you count sound machines...we are saving for a trip for the whole family to go next year though. Aloha!

Tara said...

I finally made it over at 10:30pm but I got my house decorating finished!

To answer your question, I love them both equally too! They each bring out different emotions!

Matty said...

Thunderstorm. I think the sound of rain and storm is calming.

Sara said...

Ridiculous toss-up. If I'm hearing ocean waves, it means I'm at the freaking ocean, so that's good. But I love waking up on a Saturday to a thunderstorm and going back to sleep.

Thanks so much for visiting on my SITS day!

Jessie Kaitlin said...

I like them both. Pretty much for the same reason the above post said :)

Colette S said...

I prefer ocean waves. There's just something soothing about it...or not but I like it just the same.

Thunderstorms scare me

Rachael said...

grew up in Cali...definitely Ocean Waves! Thunderstorms scare the crap out of me! :P
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!

Kelly said...

I love the sound of a thunderstorm at home, but falling asleep to the sound of the ocean while at the beach is totally relaxing.

Andrea said...

You have an award at arise 2 write.

confused homemaker said...

Are the waves at the ocean calm or is there a storm on the ocean? Makes a difference. For me any calm waves or rain sound I love, not so much for the rough & tumble.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

That's hard. I would have to say the waves. That would mean I am on a beautiful beach. =D

annies home said...

I would choose the waves I love rain but not thunderstorms unless I am awake at which time I love to watch them

Shell said...

Ocean waves!

We had a horrible storm here at the beach this week and I can tell you that I do NOT like the sound of a storm at the beach!

Thanks for grabbing my button- I'm grabbing yours!

MadeInCanarias said...


The Four Week Vegan said...

We never really get thunderstorms here, but we live close enough to the beach to go there often, so I guess waves is my pick.

Claudya Martinez said...

Can I have both?

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Ocean waves all the way!

Susan Cook said...

The ocean, I don't really like thunderstorms. Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Kim said...

Great question. I would have to say ocean waves just becasue we don't live near an ocean but I love going.

Shana said...

There is nothing like listening to the waves crash on the beach at night...but, oh how I love hearing the rain on the roof when I'm going to sleep! That's a tough one!

Annie said...

I live in Central Florida and we get thunderstorms almost everyday in the summer, they are amazing to listen to, but also pretty common here. I have to say I prefer the ocean waves simply because it immediately reminds me of getting away from it all and relaxing. SO relaxing.

Helene said...

Oh definitely the ocean waves!! In fact, a couple years ago when I went to Hawaii, I sat on the beach and took a video of the beach...the palm trees swaying in the air, the seagulls flying above the water, the sound of the waves as they rolled to shore. It was like a 4-minute video and to this very day, sometimes when I'm itching for a vacation, I watch the video!! It's actually very calming!

Traci Michele said...

I would say a tie! LOVE THEM BOTH! :-) Hugs, Traci

Tasha said...