In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day they take it easy, and look forward to the weekend.
So I thought that on Fridays I would and take it easy on the posting,as they do in Hawaii! Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Oh, and don't forget to click on the link anywhere that's highlighted and play along with Kailani and the rest of us! You will make some new bloggy friends too!!
My question for today is:
when you get up in the Morning do you put MusiC or the T.V on?!?
I usually have the music going first then add TV.(usually The Golden Girls) LOL
What a wonderful memory of my Dad,when I was a little!He always had the music going,when he was home.
Every morning when I turn the music on I am reminded of him!!:)
tv here...either a news show or PBS for Andrew
Neither. I'm usually trying to get the cover off the pool so that I can do laps before it gets too hot!
When I was little every Sat my dad would turn on Bill Cosby lps or someone else of that era & turn it up really loud so that the house would pretty much fill up w/ laughter. It was awesome!
Music always makes me feel better!
usually some cartoon for broxton, although he doesn't watch, he plays, but it is filler noise
If I get up before the kids, it is always music...if the kids are up before me, it's TV...:) Lol!
I wake up to the sound of my boys. If I get up before them, I enjoy the silence.
sometimes, Music. but not before coffee,lol.
My Aloha Friday Link for you
I turn on the radio, but for talk, not music :)
My t.v. has to always be on. I turn it on first thing, usually the news or one of the early shows.
Hi Olga,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog. I just signed up as a follower. As for when I get up I always turn on the local news then watch the Today show.
No, neither. We don't have regular TV but sometimes the kids watch it through the Netflix Wii disk. I listen to music a lot but never first thing in the a.m. I like quiet when I wake up. ;)
oh, good question! I probably would put the news on, but I keep it all quiet so my kids continue sleeping and I can finish getting ready!
Thanks for commenting on my BFF post over at Shell's last week!
Hi Olga, well with a 4 year old, he usually likes to watch a couple of his favorite kids shows before he gets busy for the day. So for us it is the TV! That gives me a little time to get the house/kids/me organized.
I usually work out on the elliptical about 4 mornings a week....so I put in my headphones AND turn the TV on to the news (muted). So I guess I do both! That is the only time I watch TV until my kids go to bed (unless they are watching something).
Music first, then tv - usually just for 'background noise' unless Princess Nagger is watching one of her favorite shows. :)
Aloha Friday: Vacation Edition
Most times, we turned on the T.V.
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