It is Time for Music Monday at my friend Tara's Place! Please click on anywhere thats highlighted and come play along with us!!
This Sunday is Easter! It is probably the most special week of all.
Jesus,God's son was brutally crucified on the cross for All of OuR SiNs!!
He suffered a horrible death so we wouldn't have to be separated from God(if we didn't want to)I hope you enjoy my songs and that you think about going to church this Sunday!It is never too late no matter what you've done or bad you feel inside!!
God's love is AlwaYs right there waiting for you!
God Bless you All!!
Amazing Grace
How he Loves us
Borrowed from my Daily reads:
Lord,my God,I thank You that all the love in my life is but a mere stepping stone towards YoU~
To my Running Peeps:
last week I ran less than I have since I started back into running(18 months ago)
I got Laryngitis,and just felt awful!!!
I am going to have to call it as a week "Off" and am HatinG It!Coaches Orders(ok Belle's but she is my coach)
Still feeling under the weather but I am NoT taking this week off!!
No how~ No Way~~ NoT!!!LOL
So lets get out there and move it!!!Run~ Walk just try to get a little more active this week!!!Love You All!!!