My post today is going to be about helping a super great, mad cool,very special friend raise money, to help find a cure for cancer!(All joking aside for a minute)She has a very precious family member that has non- Hodgkins Lymphoma and is battling for her life, as I write this!
So, in order to do this my friend Lani, MoM of TriPleTs,with a second Full time JoB,('cause having triplets is her first one) and RuNneR, in her spare time(like SHE has any spare time), has decided to train for a Half MaRaThoN!!Now for those of you who don't run, a Half MaRatHoN is 13.1 MiLeS!!!!That is a looong way!!!I am getting tired just thinking about it and I run!! Here's the thing,she is willing to do all of the training herself!!HeHe!
Now all we need to do is help her raise some money for her team!
For just $ 1.00 you can have a chance to win all kinds of fabulous stuff!!Just $1.00!! Seriously, that is all you have to do!!!!Well, you can also follow her, blog about this party,tweet about it, and a few other things, that are all listed on her page.Just click on the button above and it will take to the right page and give you all of the information!
Oh and don't forget to let her know you found out about this from me because I really want to win SoMeThinG, AnYthinG!! I just love winning things don't you??Okay,come on my precious friends,
let's get this BloG party started!ps.I am going to have a giveaway for her too!!!Will keep you posted on when!!!
Remember whatever your going thru God is with you,always!!!You Are NeveR alone!
Love you all!